- The plaster ceiling finish of wooden ceilings is cracked, the cracks are multidirectional with up to 0.5-1.0 mm 0.5-1.0 mm due to the increase in the deflection of the slabs under the influence of temporary loads
- Dynamic loads on the finishing layer of plaster ceilings;
- Collapse of a section of the plaster layer of the ceiling of a large cylinder
- Cracks at the boundaries of the laid openings, passageways of engineering networks, at the joints with the floor; wooden partitions have cracks in the plaster layers at the joints with floors and walls;
- Partitions of the 1st floor of the large cylinder have cracks of sedimentary nature (foundation settlement of 1996)
- Cracks in the plaster finish of the wooden walls-partitions of the staircase cylinder, adhesion of the plaster finish with the base is largely lost.
- There are irregularities in the plane of the floor membrane ribs (lower and upper), as a result of loose adhesion of the sheathing to the floor lattice, which weakens the nail joints and leads to additional deflection and squeaking of the boards;
- In some places there is no tol gasket on the floor supports on the brickwork;
- In the large cylinder, in the floor above the 1st floor there are additional laths, which also weaken the nail connections between the floorboard and the floor grid
- Lack of fire-bio-protection of wooden structures
Genetic defects associated with experimental nature of the structural solutions of the house:
Genetic defects associated with experimental nature of structural solutions of the house:
Mandatory Recommendations:
1. Delamination of paint layers, especially the lower part of the hexagonal windows
2. Small lesions of rot
3. Multiple gaps in joints of removable shutters
4. Cracks in glazing, condensation between frames as a result of defects in the glass caulking.
5. Painting with modern enamels that do not correspond to the author's design.
- Cleaning of window fills from paint layers to wood, prosthetics of rot-affected lower sections
- Treatment of frames with antiseptics and biocidal compositions
- Priming with hot natural varnish, subsequent painting with natural varnish with pigment (umber) on the outer side.
- Painting with oil paint (titanium whitewash) of the outer window of the inner part of the frames, with the exception of the octagonal window in the living room.
- Painting of the octagonal window in the living room with natural varnish with pigment (umber), as well as on the outside.
- Restoration of window caulk using natural olive oil according to the recipe (recommendations of a technologist).
- Replacement of broken windows
Mandatory Recommendations:
- Restoration works on the stained-glass window
- Dismantling of glass, cleaning of paint layers on the exterior and interior branches.
- Making a decision on the feasibility of dismantling the external and internal stained glass for further restoration in a carpenter's workshop with prosthetics of the lower sections affected by rot, elimination of deformations.
- Antiseptic and biocidal treatment of wood frames
- Priming with hot natural varnish, subsequent painting with natural varnish with pigment (umber) on the outer side.
- Installation of frames on the object, replacement of cracked windows with similar ones, restoration of window caulk with natural olive oil according to the recipe (recommendations of the engineer-technologist).
- Cleaning, painting with oil paint (titanium whitewash) of the first floor windows and balcony door on the third floor
1. Delamination of paint layers
2. The bottom of the outer frame of the stained glass window is affected by rotting
3. Deformations of vertical posts, bulging outward of the central part of the structure of the outer frame
4. Cracks glazing
5. Painting with modern enamels, not corresponding to the author's design
- Cracks in glazing, condensation between frames
- Painting with modern enamels not typical for the house
- The lower part of the outer frame and its 2981↩base are rotten
- Deformations of vertical posts, bulging outward in the central part of the outer frame structure.
- The painting of the walls between the external and internal stained-glass windows does not correspond to the original one.
- Peeling of the paint layers, especially the lower part
- Small rot lesions
- Presence of multiple gaps in joints of removable shutters
- During the restoration in the 1990s, the painting was done with the original coloring and paint composition of the 1930s
Melnikov House
2018 - until now. Russia, Moscow
During the bombing of Moscow on July 23, 1941. The explosive wave from the bomb that hit the Vakhtangov Theater, most of the window panes in the area of the explosion were blown out, including in the house of K.S.Melnikov. The building stood like that for several years.
Partially completed window fillings on the inside and winterized the heating on the first floor.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр 26.
Defects: Exterior window and door fills
History of construction
They painted the windows, two of them. There wasn’t enough drying oil.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации дома. Архив дм. (1928 г.)
Wiped the windows and inserted them -made 6 of them.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации дома. Архив дм. (1928 г.)
Glazing windows, making stained glass, filling doorways.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 26
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации дома. Архив дм. (1930 г.)
All the glass.
Didn't go out all day-though the weather was nice.
I cleaned all day - I had a lot of things to do - I got up early and went to bed late, I didn't rest during the day - I feel good and relaxed Vitya cut paper and glued windows.
A second entrance to the house is made in the place of the refrigerated cabinet in the kitchen in the wall of the small cylinder.
Т.В. Царева. Комплексные исследования объекта культурного наследия федерального значения «экспериментальный жилой дом, 1927−1929 гг., арх. Мельников к. С.». Историко-культурный раздел. М., 2018 г.
Demolished 1st floor doorway and rebuilt hexagonal refrigerator cabinet opening.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр 46.
A comprehensive engineering, technical and technological inspection of Izhsstroyservis-1 was carried out. The defects of window and door fills were revealed: wooden elements of windows have lost their paint layers (especially the lower elements where precipitation stagnates), there are minor loosening of the wood surface and small rot lesions. It is most pronounced in the upper openings of the large cylinder. The external and internal frames are affected. The stained-glass window has significant defects: the lower support beam is affected by rot to the whole depth and the boarding under it. The vertical posts of the lower frame of the stained glass window have deformed the rotted horizontal joist. The stained glass has a general deformation in the form of outward bulging of its center section. The load from the stained glass has deformed the doorway posts of the main entrance. The glazing of the windows and the staircase is damaged in places in the form of cracks and scratches. The problem of temperature and humidity conditions was revealed: increased air permeability due to drying of wood, condensation between frames. The problem is the cause of accelerated physical deterioration of wooden frames exposed to moisture.
Window coverings are painted in dark brown earthy color.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр 130, 131.
Restoration of window and door joinery with reinforcement with polymer compositions after cleaning, replacement of the lower part of the main facade windows and reconstruction of the lower part of the living room stained-glass window, replacement of platbands and door linings to the terrace, restoration of its door frame and its bottom timber. Finishing of window and door frames. The window frames of the 1st floor, the stained glass window of the south facade, the octagonal window of the living room, the exterior door with wooden filling, the door to the balcony, and the lost window in the bedroom on the 2nd floor were restored. All joinery is made of pine, without boxes. The panes are inserted on spackle (natural olive with varnish), a layer of primer, and painted with oil paints on top. Hexagonal windows above the 1st floor have virtually one-time painting with dark brown oil paint. The 1st floor windows have multiple coats of oil paint. The top layer of paint a 70's repair, the dark brown layer the original paint. On the main facade of the house, the number of layers varies from 2 to 4.
Научно-проектная документация. Памятник архитектуры ХХ века «Дом архитектора К. С. Мельникова». Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., 10. Реставрационная экспериментальная инженерная мастерская № 5; м., 1993−1997 гг.; ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 54, 130.
According to the protocol it is necessary to carry out revision of window joinery with replacement of caulk and paint layer that do not meet the standards, eliminate gaps, restore the entrance door, threshold and ensure free door locking; poor quality of painting of stairs, walls and window joinery was noted;
Протокол совещания выездной комиссии по вопросу выполнения ремонтно-реставрационных работ по памятнику архитектуры «жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова»; 11.06.1999 г.
The technical report revealed delamination of the stained glass window caulk and windows, loose closing in some places, cracks in the stained glass window glazing, and cracks in the entrance door.
Техническое заключение о состоянии строительных конструкций и штукатурки стен и потолков в помещениях памятника архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова» по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., дом 10. Проектно-Сметное бюро комитета по культуре москвы; 2002 г.
According to the results of the survey, MSCU specialists recommended replacing the existing or restoring the stained glass window on the main facade of the building
Научно-технический отчет «обследование конструкций, фундаментов и состояния грунтового основания дома-памятника архитектора мельникова, расположенного по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., д.10». МГСУ; М., 2006 г. Стр. 193.
The condition of the external walls is recognized as serviceable, the condition of the internal walls of the basement is unsatisfactory. The condition of the floor over the basement is recognized as serviceable, but unsatisfactory due to corrosion of rail beams and reinforcement of the reinforced concrete slab.
During the bombing of Moscow on July 23, 1941 July 23, 1941 the explosive wave from the bomb that hit the Vakhtangov Theater, most of the window panes in the area of the explosion were blown out, including и в доме K. S. Мельникова. In this form, the building stood for several years. In 1941-1944, the architect's family had to spend the winter in the basement, where two beds and a stove for cooking were installed.
Sealed the corners of the basement.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1927 г.)
Defects: Basement
Started the concrete in the basement.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1928 г.)
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1929 г.)
I dismantled the pantry and removed the cabbage with roots into the cellar.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1929 г.)
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив ДМ. (1932 г.)
Filled the cellar with melted snow.
War. The three of us live with my mother and Vatulik. We live in the basement.
Т.В. Царева. Комплексные исследования объекта культурного наследия федерального значения «Экспериментальный жилой дом, 1927−1929 гг., арх. Мельников К. С.». Историко-культурный раздел. М., 2018 г.
Restoration of the basement. Reconstruction of the heating system with a calorifier chamber. Fragmentary restoration of the carpentry, new flooring over the potato pit. Restoration of the staircase plaster layer and cement coating of the steps and floor. Whitewashing of walls in the basement interior.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1929 г.)
The house is connected to central heating, steel registers are connected to the calorifier chamber. According to the project of 1957, the communications were carried out from the western neighboring plot in a brick non-passable duct. The hatch to the basement for coal is bricked up.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 59 -60.
Wetting of the wall in the basement on the east side at the cylinder joint.
Протокол совещания выездной комиссии по вопросу выполнения ремонтно- реставрационных работ по памятнику архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова»; 11.06.1999 г.
Wetting of the wall masonry near the entrance to the basement (probably the eastern wall in the area of the cylinder joint), collapse of the wall plaster on the stairs to the basement, damage to the asphalt flooring of the basement;
Техническое заключение о состоянии строительных конструкций и штукатурки стен и потолков в помещениях памятника архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова» по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., дом 10. Проектно-сметное бюро Комитета по культуре Москвы; 2002 г.
MSCU specialists carried out a detailed inspection of the building in combination with a survey of the foundation soils.
The condition of the exterior walls is recognized as serviceable, the condition of the basement interior walls is unsatisfactory. Defects are indicated in the form of cracks (including sedimentary type), lags and falling off of the plaster layer, moisture in the basement part and near the gutters. The bearing capacity of the walls is recognized as sufficient in the absence of additional settlement. The condition of the floor over the basement is recognized as serviceable, but unsatisfactory due to corrosion processes of the rail beams and reinforcement of the reinforced concrete slab. Some of its elements are overloaded, however, if the existing loads are maintained and the forces are transferred to the partitions of the calorifier chamber, the bearing capacity can be considered sufficient. The presence of basement floor waterproofing in the form of a layer of asphalt 3 cm high was recorded.
Научно-технический отчет «Обследование конструкций, фундаментов и состояния грунтового основания дома-памятника архитектора Мельникова, расположенного по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., д. 10». МГСУ; М., 2006 г.
The technical condition of the building structures was inspected and monitored. The results of the inspection showed that the walls, foundations, reinforced concrete slab (steel beams and fittings are corroded) above the basement remain in serviceable condition, although they require current repair and restoration works.
Научно-технический отчет «Проведение геотехнического мониторинга здания по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., д. 10» за период ноября 2012 г. по январь 2013 г. НИИОСП им. Н. М. Герсеванова; М., 2013 г.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 46.
The condition of the partitions is limited serviceable with unsatisfactory finish. The load-bearing capacity of the partitions is sufficient to absorb the existing loads. The partitions of the 1st floor in the volume of the large cylinder have clearly expressed cracks of sedimentary character - uneven settlement of fresh foundations, in the 1990s under the partitions and built on the bulk soil, under uneven loads from the ceilings was inevitable due to soil compaction.
The condition of the 1st floor slab is limited serviceable.
The 1st floor slab of the large cylinder has significant deflection deformations that reflect the complex stress distribution in the slab depending on the inclusion of the 1st floor partitions underneath. The deformations consisted of the total deflection of the large cylinder wooden floor slabs and the local deflections of the slab itself. Without temporary loading, the difference of the marks reaches 70 mm. Also, there is an increment of deflection under the influence of temporary loads, which leads to the displacement of the floor grid ribs and perimeter ribs on the supports toward the center with the formation of cracks along the perimeter of the ceilings of the 1st floor.
According to the results of verification calculations, its load-bearing capacity is sufficient to support the existing permanent loads and limited temporary loads from excursion groups with a total weight of up to 1000 kg. The deflections unambiguously indicate insufficient stiffness of the floor structures, which in case of dynamic loads (from the museum visitors) will lead to ceiling movements and weakening of the plaster layers.
For wooden structures it is important to note the presence of problems with the stability of temperature and humidity conditions humidity fluctuations lead to excessive mobility of structures even without changing the loads, which, at least, worsens the already poor adhesion of plaster layers with the base.
Collapse of a section of the plaster layer of the ceiling of the 1st floor of the large cylinder.
All protective coatings of structures (fire-bio-protection) can be considered to have lost their properties.
Got a new contract with the Bank. Painted the floor in the bathtub.
We painted the floor of the restroom and the wall and floor of the bathroom. Milusha painted the wall (Vitya's pipes) and I painted the floor. We were very tired.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1930 г.)
History of construction
In the evening I and Misha [or Mila?] painted the table, the buffet and the kitchen floor. We worked until 3 o'clock in the morning.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1930 г.)
Mommy was sick and in spite of that she cleaned up — rubbed the front and fed us.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1930 г.)
Housework. With Nyu scrubbing the floors it became very cozy.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1931 г.)
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1933 г.)
Wiped the linoleum the wrong way — why with a wet rag.
Mommy was scrubbing the floor in the kitchen, mopping the floors in general.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1933 г.)
In July 1941, an airplane bomb hit the building of the Vakhtangov Theater, blowing out the glazing in the Melnikov House. Only the basement, into which the family had moved, remained in operation. The rest of the rooms were not heated, and the openings were sealed with improvised materials due to a lack of funds.
with improvised materials. The structures of the house suffered from dampness. It can be assumed that it was during this period that the wooden floors on the piers began to rot and the deflections increased.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1933 г.)
The house was cleaned in a mommy-worthy way — there was a floor cleaner.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 140−145.
Relocation of the V. K. Melnikov family to the house. The 1st floor is being reorganized: the partitions between the children’s rooms and the cloakroom and the mistress's room are dismantled. The built-in women’s closet is dismantled. Heating by calorifier is started, temporary stoves of the 1st and 3rd floors are dismantled.
Restoration of REIM No. 5. The floors of the 1st floor were completely replaced, two partitions of the 1st floor and a closet were restored, restoration and repainting of plaster layers of interior interiors, ceiling, reinforcement of weak fragments with screws on mortar. Restoration of damaged partitions of the bathroom and toilet, fragmentary repair of partitions in the dining room. Restoration of the 1st floor windows and hallway doors, construction of a new door to the basement, restoration of the winter wall refrigerator. Under jacking and correction of slab deflection in large cylinder. Installation of monolithic reinforced concrete strips under the floor joists. Installation of a monolithic slab with a slope under the floors in the bathroom. Restoration of plumbing equipment, external and internal wiring and lighting fixtures, restoration and insulation of ventilation ducts and heat ducts. Fragmentary restoration of the steps with inserts and compounds, fixing them with adhesive compositions, cleaning of the metal casing of the supporting column, strengthening and cleaning of the handrail.
Научно-проектная документация. Памятник Архитектуры Х Х века «Дом архитектора К. С. Мельникова». Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., 10. Реставрационная экспериментальная инженерная мастерская № 5; М., 1993−1997 гг.; ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр 28, 55.
Two years after the 1990s restoration, the visiting committee minutes note defects from the 1996−1997 restoration.
Протокол совещания выездной комиссии по вопросу выполнения ремонтно-реставрационных работ по памятнику архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова»; 11.06.1999 г.
The technical condition of the slabs of the 1st and 2nd floors is recognized as unsatisfactory.
Научно-технический отчет «Обследование конструкций, фундаментов и состояния грунтового основания дома-памятника архитектора Мельникова, расположенного по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., д. 10». МГСУ; М., 2006 г.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр 46.
Defects: Interiors. 1st floor
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1936 г.)
The technical condition of the building structures was inspected and monitored. The survey results showed that in the absence of proper maintenance, timely and high-quality repair, as well as due to their structural features, the ceiling and partition walls of the building are in an unacceptable technical condition.
Научно-технический отчет «Проведение геотехнического мониторинга здания по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., д. 10» за период ноября 2012 г. по январь 2013 г. НИИОСП им. Н. М. Герсеванова; М., 2013 г.
Genetic defects associated with experimental nature of the structural solutions of the house:
- Leaks in the joint of the potato inlet structure to the wall of the house.
- Corrosion of metal beams (streetcar rails) in the ceiling over the basement.
- Destruction of duct brickwork
- Erosion on the inner surface of the basement walls made of white stone.
- Absence of a pit in the basement floor in case of emergency leakage from the water supply system or heating pipes.
- Cracks in floor screed and on steps
- Poor quality of planking over the potato pit
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from the beginning
- Significant deflection 70 mm to 90 mm;
- Deflection increment under the influence of temporary loads;
- Weakening of wedges sealing rib cuts, especially in large cylinder slabs.
- The original floors were replaced during the restoration process in 1996;
- Floor boards are nailed from above, not tongue-and-groove; there is loose adhesion of the boards to the floor ribs, resulting in creaking and localized deflections in the 2nd floor bedroom.
- Leaks in the joint of the potato inlet structure to the wall of the house.
- Corrosion of metal beams (streetcar rails) in the ceiling over the basement.
- Destruction of duct brickwork
- Soaking of the basement walls in separate sections on the west and east sides of the basement.
- Absence of a pit in the basement floor in case of emergency leakage from the water supply or heating system.
- Cracks in floor screed and on steps
- Eaves on the inner surface of basement walls made of white stone.
Mandatory Recommendations:
- Treatment of internal wall surfaces with desalinizing and biocidal compositions, coating with stone reinforcer for White stone
- Cleaning of metal structures from corrosion, priming, painting according to the recommendations of the engineer-technologist.
- Utilization of part of the existing potato niche in the floor to create a pit in case of emergency leakage.
- Covering of the existing concrete floor with stone reinforcer, hydrophobizer
- Repair of cracks in the floor screed and on the steps.
- Mending, restoration of brickwork of the air duct
- Painting of basement walls according to the recommendations of the technical engineer
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from the beginning