Research and Competitions
New Construction
In Progress
Defects: Roofing
Melnikov House Restoration
Optional Recommendations:

  • Insulation of small cylinder roof structures with preservation of air ventilation
  • Painting of the roofs of the large and small cylinders with oil paint (driftwood).
  • Opening of ventilation vents laid with bricks with subsequent protection with metal mesh

Mandatory Recommendations:
1. Water stagnation at the water drainage pipe due to deflection of purlins and roof structures
2. Physical deterioration of the roof covering of the large cylinder
3. Vents in the parapet wall of the small cylinder on the western and eastern facades are bricked up (difficult ventilation of wooden structures).
4. Physical deterioration of the roof covering of the small cylinder
5. Changes in the design and material of the terrace board flooring, made in 2013
On the roof of a large cylinder:
  • Replacement of 1996 standing seam roofing, sealing of standing seam joints and joints of roofing
  • Partial repair of large cylinder roof structures, purlins and rafter structures, treatment with fire-bio-protective compositions
  • Revision and repair of roof fence posts
On the roof of the small cylinder:

  • Replacement of the 1996 standing seam roof, sealing of standing seam joints and roof joints
  • Installation of removable decking with primary
  • direction of the terrace board for roof operation
  • Restoration of metal terrace fence
  • Treatment of structures with fire-bio-protective compositions
  • Preservation of the existing deflection of the roofing; development of a safe operation section with periodicity of necessary works, limitation of load on the roofing
  • Protection of vents with mesh on the inner surface of the wall

Optional Recommendations:

  • Plastering of the sections of the lithic foundations in the guttering areas from the outside with complex mortar, hydrofibilizers on the plaster on the areas of wall soaking (gutters);
  • Restoration of the external entrance platform: removal of the top layer of concrete by 50 mm, construction of reinforced cement-sand screed, rubbing of the top layer of concrete.
  • Screed, grouting

Mandatory Recommendations:

  • Execute intermittent stepped clay paving with  moisture release and  sand cushion, the number of paving steps - 2-3 pcs  or reduce the width of the paving to 0,8 m.
  • Arrangement of a garden lawn providing drainage of surface precipitation;
  • To reconstruct from  cobblestones the framing of the bridge decking along the perimeter of the building on the basis of archival photos of the 1930s;
  • Replacement of concrete trays with brick ones;
  • Excavation of pudgy soils by grabs, replacement with a sand cushion with layer-by-layer compaction;
  • Construction of sand cushion under the entrance step

1. Soiling of the basement walls in the eastern part of the basement in the area of the drain and the window of the potato pit
2. Sealing of the basement walls in the western part
3. Contamination of the basement part of the external walls of the basement
4. Numerous cracks in exterior entrance platform and in places adjacent to the edges of the small cylinder as a result of seasonal ground swelling
5. Cracks in concrete drainage channels at eastern and western drains
6. Excessive width of the clay paving does not allow evaporation of moisture from the soil
Melnikov House Restoration
1. Leakage on the facade from the roof gutter inlet node into horizontal gutter pipes
2. Moisture seepage under the guttering near the downspout (at the edge of the downspout on the north façade).
3. Existing eaves drip is minimal in some places, the shape of the drip edge is not optimal, as a result, the amount of leakage increases
4. Water stagnation in the center of the small cylinder canopy, water flowing onto the terrace pavement, due to inappropriate gutter slope
5. Traces of corrosion on gutters and their fasteners
Optional Recommendations:

• Restoration of the original 1929 ventilation duct vents.

Mandatory Recommendations:

  • Dismantling of window sills for the purpose of repairing the joinery and, if necessary, repairing defective sills (aprons) with a slight increase in the distance from the facade plane;
  • To increase the height, it is necessary to replace the existing sub-optimal sills with new ones made of aged galvanized steel;
  • Restoration of grids and cover aprons of ventilation vents of facades at the 1st floor level made of aged galvanized steel;
  • Revision of drainpipes, gutters;
  • Repair of the hanging gutter of the canopy over the terrace;
  • Fixing elements are cleaned, the places of embedding in the lining are repaired;
  • Revision of horizontal gutters, if necessary, replacement of defective sections with analogous ones; perform normative slopes during installation.

Melnikov House Restoration

Technological defects:

  • Splashing on  column part of the walls
  • Leakage on the façade from the roof gutter entry point to the horizontal gutter pipes
  • Moisture seepage under the guttering near the downspout (at the edge of the downspout on the north façade).
  • Existing drip outlets are minimal in some places, the shape of the drip edge is not optimal, as a result, the amount of leakage increases.
  • Water stagnation, moisture seepage under the roof gutter into the solid wall in the north, near the drainpipe (at the edge of the drainpipe of the northern facade) due to deflections of the purlins of the large cylinder roof structures.
  • Water stagnation in the center of the small cylinder canopy, water flowing to the terrace surface due to inadequate gutter slope.
  • Corrosion marks on gutter pipes and their fasteners.

According to the protocol of the field commission meeting on the issue of repair and restoration works, the need for restoration of the step in front of the entrance door was indicated. Changes in the vertical layout of the site were required, the vertical layout of the building and creation of a drainage system according to the protocol (the vertical layout was not accepted for operation) and conclusions (according to the results of pits in the northern part of the building and measurement of moisture content of foundations and backfill soils made a conclusion about  locking of vaporous moisture under the concrete pavement and  recommendations to replace it  with discrete paving stone on a sand cushion), conclusions (it was recommended to remove the pavement and top layers along the perimeter of the building and to lay a layer of clay not less than 30 cm thick.

The foundation’s being booted.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архивм ДМ. (1927 г.)
Defects: Guttering

History of construction

The foundation is finished.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив ДМ. (1927 г.)

Building a house. Laying the boot foundation. Parts of the walls of the planned 1840s revenue house were found. The partition foundations differ from the project ones, because they were made in confined conditions on the basis of the real possibilities "on the place", поэтому у них height and width of the section differ from the project, their location under the partition differs (in some places the centers of symmetry of the foundation are displaced away from the centers of symmetry of the partition). There is no developed foundation under the partition between the bathroom and the children’s room  instead there is a 100 mm monolithic slab under the partition, which forms a slope under the bathroom floors.

ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 122

During the bombing of Moscow on July 23, 1941, an explosive wave from a bomb that hit the Vakhtangov Theater blew out most of the window panes in the area of the explosion, including и в доме by K.S. Melnikov. The building stood like that for several years.

Т.В. Царева. Комплексные исследования объекта культурного наследия федерального значения «Экспериментальный жилой дом, 1927−1929 гг., арх. Мельников К. С.». Историко-культурный раздел. М., 2018 г
The perimeter of the building is covered with a concrete screed with a cement leveling screed, and the eastern drainage gutter is restored.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 122.
Concrete bases for the rebuilt partitions of the 1st floor were laid.
As of the end of November 2000, the removal of the concrete pavement and its removal with soil; removal of gravel backfill of the paths and from under the pavement; construction of clay pavement (screed removed and clay soil screen made of clay soil).
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 27, 57
In the letter of 2000 it was again pointed out that foundations and soils underneath the seepage and, for the first time, the question of vertical waterproofing of foundations in addition to replacing the seepage was raised. Here the opinion of the owners about the necessity of a clay lock is also mentioned. In the project of the year 2000 there is already a node showing the arrangement of paths and pavements. Fragment of the drawing of the "pie" of a pavement and a road. A 200 mm thick layer of greasy clay is already used in the pavement.
Письмо МНИИП № 9/64 от 15.02.2000 г. с Протоколом совещания по вопросам реставрации памятника архитектуры ХХ века «Дом архитектора К. С. Мельникова» от 28.01.2000 г.
Протокол совещания выездной комиссии по вопросу выполнения ремонтно-реставрационных работ по памятнику архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова»; 11.06.1999 г.; Заключение по устройству вертикальной планировки территории памятника архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова» и защите его фундаментов от атмосферных осадков. НИИОСП им. Н. М. Герсеванова, М., 1998 г.; ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 56
The most detailed survey of the building was carried out in combination with the investigation of the foundation soils for the entire time of its existence by specialists from the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. Pit No. 2 revealed the foundation under the glass stained glass window of the main entrance (this is the only source of information about this foundation)  it is laid at a depth of 1, 35 m from the surface of the ground on the ground and is made in the form of masonry of red bricks on a weak complex mortar (in some places without mortar), resting on the basement made of complex mortar со щебнем limestone. Also important were pits #3 and #4. Pit No. 3 indicated foundation soil (small layer) under internal wall (remaining from the old building), indicated the arrangement of foundations of the walls of the calorifier chamber (founded on rooted soil). Pit No. 4 also revealed the basing of the old building wall foundations on  foundation soil. No waterproofing was found in the pits. The condition of the building foundations was recognized as serviceable (with the indication of defects in the form of material degradation). It is indicated that the building has no pavement.
Техническое заключение о состоянии строительных конструкций и штукатурки стен и потолков в помещениях памятника архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова» по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., дом 10. Проектно-сметное бюро Комитета по культуре Москвы; 2002 г.
Read article
from the beginning
Научно-технический отчет «Обследование конструкций, фундаментов и состояния грунтового основания дома-памятника архитектора Мельникова, расположенного по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., д.10». МГСУ; М., 2006 г. стр. 50−54
According to the survey results, it was recommended to increase the reliability of water drainage from the building by creating a new water drainage system. The existing developed clay screen should be removed (partially removed, leaving a 0.5−0.8 m section from the building), the soils under it should be compacted. Make a new pavement, allowing moisture to drain from the soil underneath. As a variant - interrupted stepped clay paving, the upper layer has 0,5 m development and overhangs the underlying layer (with a break), which starts at 0,3 m from the building and has similar development. The number of the steps of the pavement  2−3 pcs. To backfill the area under the pavement use local bulk soil, for the area next to the pavement use sandy soil. One of the options is to reduce the clay screen reach to 0.8 0.8 m. Soils with good moisture permeability should be used for the perimeter of the building (paths).
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 125.
A comprehensive engineering and technical and   technological survey was carried out by InzhsStroyServis-1. The foundations were examined in three pits dug outside the building (two under the large cylinder, one under the small cylinder). The investigation revealed the following: along the perimeter of the building there is a clay screen under the 50−60 mm thick layer of soil — it can be considered as a clay lining, as it is supposed to drain the precipitation from the building. In borehole No. 1 it was measured 340−380 mm thick and up to 2.04 m wide. In Pit No. 2, it is 50−350 mm thick and overhang of 1.75 m. The thickness of the screen decreases towards the walls of the building and its upper surface in Pit No. 2 had a slope towards the building. In fact, there is no actual footing; a screen of clayey soil at an insignificant depth under the lawn and the soil fill acts as a footing. The condition of the building foundations is most likely recognized as serviceable.
The foundations of the partition walls of the 1st floor are based on bulk soils, the sand cushion under them is loose in some places. Bulk soil with various household and construction debris was found under the sand cushion. The partitions have oblique cracks of sedimentary nature.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 23, 122−126.
Drainage channels are absent at the gutters in the cylinder intersection area, as a temporary solution, the channels are made of sandcrete.
Wetting of the wall masonry near the entrance to the basement (probably the eastern wall in the area of the cylinder joint). Seepage is not completed; damage to the threshold; cracks, delaminations and destruction of the monolithic platform in front of the entrance to the building; the need for restoration of the step in front of the entrance door is indicated; the commission requires restoration of the entrance door, threshold and ensuring free locking of the door.

Melnikov House

2018 - until now. Russia, Moscow

Genetic defects associated with experimental nature of the structural solutions of the house:

  • Soiling of the basement walls in the eastern and western parts of the basement in the drainage areas.
  • Contamination of the basement part of the external walls of the basement
  • Numerous cracks in exterior entrance platform as a result of seasonal ground swelling
Technological defects:
  • Cracks in temporary concrete drainage gutters at the east and west gutters
  • Excessive width of the clay lining does not allow moisture to evaporate from the soil.
The roof leaked The ceiling got wet
in the Studio and the Great Room.
A roof has been installed, probably a temporary thatched roof.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 26.
I yelled at Vitya again — why is he so capricious?
Painted the roof of the balcony with him.
21.06.1928 The sprengel of the rafters was finished and from 6.07.1928 works on the permanent roofing of the big cylinder were carried out.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 26.
12.07.1928 The parapet and pipes are finished. In July and in August, the flat roof of the small cylinder had serious leaks — in August, the roof was made with clay and gravel (probably, it was a variant of an exploitable roof), but in September, there were leaks again. In September, metal sheets were brought in and the rebated roof of the small cylinder was made.
Technological defects:
Defects in the roof of a large cylinder:
  • The roofing was done more than 25 25 years ago
Small cylinder roofing defects:
  • The vents in the parapet wall of the small cylinder of the western and eastern facades are not protected from birds and insects (the ventilation of wooden structures is impeded)
  • The roof covering was made more than 25 25 years ago  ago.
  • Changes in the construction of the decking made in 2013 2013 year, the direction, material and construction does not correspond to the original design, which makes it difficult to use, there are localized subsidence.

Genetic defects related to the expert nature of the structural design of the house:

  • Defects in the roof of a large cylinder:
  • Water stagnation at the gutter due to sagging of purlins and roof structures;
  • Sagging of the workshop ceiling and cracks in it
  • Defects in the roof of the small cylinder:
  • Lack of insulation of the roof covering structure;
  • Structural deflection under the influence of temporary loads (cracks in the plaster ceiling of the living room due to strain transfer;
  • Transfer of deformations from temporary loads on underlying partitions;
  • Transfer of deformations from temporary loads to facade lettering, which is fastened to the ribs of the roof disk;
  • Loss of roof tightness in the places of connection to the walls in the zone of pylons of the southern facade.
The boys were painting the roof.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив ДМ. (1931 г.)

History of construction

The roofs of both cylinders were repaired with three layers of soft roofing. The standing seam roofing was dismantled, as well as the tongue and groove system on the small cylinder roof, and the purlins were rebuilt, preserving some of the original material and correcting deflections. Created slopes on the small cylinder roof toward the water jets by increasing their cross-section. We made a roll waterproofing carpet from two layers of roofing felt.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 27, 46.
Melnikov House Restoration

Replacement of the roof and attic floor structures of the large cylinder with preservation of part of the original material (supporting structures, shingles, sawdust and felt). The cross-sections of the support timbers (north and south) were enlarged, the rafters were cut into them, and the places where the north timber rests were changed (support pads and niches for the supports were knocked out because the timber has a more developed cross-section). A leveling beam was built on top of the bent upper strapping of the sprengel partition to correct the deflection of the partition. The joints of the overhang boards of the cantilever canopy have been changed.

ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 52-54.
New standing seam roof installed. Restoration of a small cylinder roof with maximum preservation of the original material. Complete removal of the soft roofing, reassembly of purlins and pitched ribs, reassembly of the roof disk decking, local reinforcements of the purlins and perimeter ribs in areas affected by rot, restoration of the pitched slope, fireproofing treatment, execution of wooden gutters, restoration of the lost gutter system and terrace decking, arrangement of a de-icing system.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 52-54.
The protocol indicates the presence of the following defects that appeared again after 2 years after the restoration or admitted during the restoration: leakage of the roof of the large cylinder at the gutter. Minutes of the meeting of the visiting commission on the implementation of repair and restoration work on the architectural monument "Residential House — Workshop of architect K. S. Melnikov"; 11.06.1999.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 56.
The presence of a large number of defects that occurred in just 5 years, and the presence of defects that were not corrected before 2002. The following defects can be singled out: malfunction of the electric heating system of the roof and gutters, icing of the gutter system near the parapet; on the terrace there are cracks at the joint of the wooden wall and brick walls, delamination and collapse of the plaster of the parapet walls, damage to the attachment of the fence pipe to the parapet wall.
Техническое заключение о состоянии строительных конструкций и штукатурки стен и потолков в помещениях памятника архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова» по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., дом 10. Проектно-сметное бюро Комитета по культуре Москвы; 2002 г. стр. 57.
The technical condition of the roofs of the large and small cylinders is unsatisfactory due to deflections (10 cm on the small cylinder and 9 cm on the large cylinder). From the recommendations we note the need for repair and strengthening of all roof slabs and structures. Separately it is indicated that it is inadmissible to change the mode of operation of the building, which entails a change in the useful loads on the slabs.
Научно-технический отчет «Обследование конструкций, фундаментов и состояния грунтового основания дома-памятника архитектора Мельникова, расположенного по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., д. 10». МГСУ; М., 2006 г.; стр. 57, стр. 59.
Replacing the patio board decking, without a restoration project, is not consistent in appearance and material with the author’s intent.
Technical condition of the roof of the large cylinder: Moisture seepage under the roof gutter in the wall mass on the north near the drainpipe. Water stagnation on the surface — two spots are fixed near the edge at the gutter of the north façade. The cause is sagging of purlins and roof structures. Almost immediately during the restoration process of the 1990s, the sagging of the workshop ceiling and cracks in it reappeared. At present it can be considered to have stabilized and reached 80 mm under constant load (1/83 of the span in the north-south direction). The change in the design of the north joist has necessitated a cut-out for it in the longitudinal ribs of the attic floor that it crosses — this weakens the attic floor. There is no information about the existence of this weakening prior to restoration — it is likely that the north joist had previously passed over the floor ribs. There is localized weakening in the form of individual cracks and spalls in the wood. Solid elements of timbers have shrinkage cracks. The use of untrimmed boards and boards with buckling and bark for purlins was revealed. The waterproofing of the ends of the vertical lattice boards, which were completely wrapped in two or three layers of roofing felt in the 1990s, is considered unnecessary — this prevents moisture from escaping from the ends of the ribs. Older elements (used as auxiliary elements, e.g. in the gable truss lattice) have slight surface loosening, localized old rot lesions.

Technical condition of the roof of the small cylinder: The most noticeable defect is the deflection of the roofing, which under its own weight reaches 100 mm, which is about 1/85 of the span. The deflection occurred when the building was constructed and probably accrued with leaks and damage to the covering, left unchanged during the restoration period of the 1990s. The deflection is indicative of inadequate stiffness in the pavement structure. Under temporary loads, the small cylinder pavement also deforms — deformations at test loads of about 900 kg were elastic in nature. The deformations are also transmitted to the underlying partitions. Due to previous defects, there are cracks in the ceiling surface of the living room. The cracks were caused by the deflection of the ceiling and were repaired during the restoration period, but are reoccurring. Movement of the ceiling under temporary loads (snow, visitors, wind) contribute to the gradual increase of cracks in the plaster layer. Crack damage to the façade inscription is also a coating defect. Since the board of the facade inscription is rigidly attached to the cantilevered outlet of the pavement disk ribs, disk deflection contributes to the uplift of these cantilevers and stresses in the plaster layer of the inscription. These cracks have occurred since the beginning of construction, are repaired, and reappear at the same location. There are traces of pavement leaks before the restoration in the 1990s, which were hidden by subsequent repairs and painted over leaks on the ceiling of the living room, i.e. leaks occurred after the restoration. In contrast to the roof of the large cylinder, where the attic floor is filled with sawdust, the cells on the small cylinder are empty.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 150-163.
Repair of building facades. Painting of sills with silver galvanized silver paint.
The construction process was not ideal — the material was often of poor quality and the workers were unskilled. К. K.S. Melnikov had to compromise between the artistic concept and technological possibilities of the time. Often K.S. Melnikov leaned towards the side of the artistic concept — for example, leaving the walls without protection of cornices, and the parapet walls without protection at all.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр. 64.

Defects: Exterior drainage, drains

History of construction

Horizontal gutters are still present on the small cylinder.
Runoff gutters from the canopy of the large cylinder are present. Scientific and design documentation.
Памятник архитектуры XX в. дом архитектора К. С. Мельникова в Москве, Кривоарбатский переулок, дом 10. Мастерская архитектора-реставратора А. Попова; М., 1993 г.
During the bombing of Moscow on July 23, 1941, the explosive wave from a bomb that hit the Vakhtangov Theater, most of the window panes in the area of the explosion were blown out, including those in the house of K. S. Melnikov. The building stood like that for several years.
Т.В. Царева. Комплексные исследования объекта культурного наследия федерального значения «Экспериментальный жилой дом, 1927−1929 гг., арх. Мельников К. С.». Историко-культурный раздел. М., 2018 г.
28-29.04. 1936
I’m trying to clean up for May Day. As best as I can, as beautifully, as well-decorated as possible. I cleaned the paths in the garden  I cut the sod and circled the paths. Raised a barrier at the back of the water pipe.
К. С. Мельников. Отрывные календари с записями, относящимися к строительству и эксплуатации Дома. Архив Д М. (1936 г.)
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр 46, 47
Water cannons were installed instead of horizontal downpipes on the small cylinder. The standing seam roof was dismantled together with the guttering system on the roof of the small cylinder, and slopes were created on the roof of the small cylinder in the direction of the water jets, increasing their cross-section.
The roofing of the large cylinder roof purlins was laid with a small roof curvature from the walls on the north-east and north-west to the first rafter in order to direct all the water flow to the water collector and prevent it from overflowing the small roof edge. The ribs of the drainage gutters are made of boards. The triangular cross-section of the ribs was reconstructed according to the traces preserved on the roof. The drainage structure is covered with metal (galvanized steel sheet 0.8×750×1500 mm). The drainage pipes with drainage funnels: the central northern one and two on the western and eastern slopes are made according to the working drawings, for the development of which photo analogues were used. According to the gutter holders preserved on the walls of the house, their diameter was determined. The missing forged holders were made according to the analog.
Научно-проектная документация. Памятник Архитектуры Х Х века «Дом архитектора К. С. Мельникова». Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., 10. Реставрационная экспериментальная инженерная мастерская № 5; М., 1993−1997 гг.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр 46.
Water drainage from the territory of the monument is not solved. It is indicated on  the presence of newly appeared or  allowed during  restoration of defects: leakage of the roof of the large cylinder at the gutter; malfunction of the electric heating system of the roof and gutters, icing of the gutter system near the parapet; on the terrace cracks on the joint of the wooden wall and brick walls, delamination and collapse of the plaster of the parapet walls, damage to the pipe fixing fence to the parapet wall.
Протокол совещания выездной комиссии по вопросу выполнения ремонтно-реставрационных работ по памятнику архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова»; 11.06.1999 г.
Техническое заключение о состоянии строительных конструкций и штукатурки стен и потолков в помещениях памятника архитектуры «Жилой дом-мастерская архитектора К. С. Мельникова» по адресу: г. Москва, Кривоарбатский пер., дом 10. Проектно-сметное бюро Комитета по культуре Москвы; 2002 г.
A comprehensive engineering and technological survey of InzhsStroyService-1 was carried out. The survey revealed the following: the external drainage is organized, from the canopy the water is drained through the boardwalk into the western and eastern drainpipes, from the roof of the large cylinder the water drains into the northern drainpipe.
It is possible that the eaves on six-angled windows are too small, and the drip edge shape is not optimal. In general, it should be pointed out that the house is prone to this defect since the birth of the house: leakage along the facade from the roof tray entrance node to the horizontal gutter pipe  water flows past the tray. Darkening of the finish near the parapet trim. This congenital defect is a consequence of constant exposure of precipitation on the unprotected surface of the parapet. We consider as an important defect the recorded seepage of moisture under the roof gutter into the solid wall in the north near the downpipe. Water stagnation on surface -two locations are recorded near the edge at the gutter pipe on the north façade. The cause  - sagging of purlins and  roof structures.
According to the minutes of the meeting of the visiting committee on the issue of repair and restoration works on the architectural monument, the following is required: to extend the drainpipes, to eliminate the leakage of the horizontal drainpipe on the eastern facade. It is indicated: on the plaster layer delamination at the place of leakage.
ООО «ИнжсСтройСервис — 1». М., 2018 г.: Обследование несущих и ограждающих конструкций. Том 1; стр 45, 153, 155.
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Melnikov House Restoration
Melnikov House Restoration
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