Research and Competitions
New Construction
In Progress
The Gray Belt is constituted by industrial areas of St. Petersburg that have formed over the last 300 years, it surrounds the city’s historical downtown, directly adjoins it, but is perceived as the outskirts. From the Outskirts to the Downtown is a project of understanding the features, challenges and meaning of the Gray Belt, as well as a search for a possible vector of its transformation, its task being to reveal this area’s cultural potential. Among other necessary measures, the project calls for an increase in the density of transit routes, subway network, and overland public transport, as well as the creation of a unified, integrating the entire area, environmental framework of green plantings — the Gray Belt is to become a Green Belt in the future. All of this will “breathe life” into not only the Gray Belt area, but also into the development of the city as a whole, restoring its integrity, emphasizing the value of its historical environment, and making its shortcomings only an affecting occasion for irony.

From the Outskirts to the Downtown

competition 2016. Sant Petersburg, Russia
From the Outskirts to the Downtown. The Grey Belt of St. Petersburg
History of development of Saint Petersburg

history of development of Saint Petersburg

Obvodny Canal extension scheme

water transport scheme

external waterways

waterways within the city

embankments of Obvodnoy Canal

Embankments of Obvodnoy Canal

Obvodnoy Canal

Obvodnoy Canal

bridges of Obvodnoy Canal

Bridges of Obvodnoy Canal
public transport scheme (today)

public transport scheme (today)

public transport scheme (proposal)

public transport scheme (proposal)

public transport scheme

public transport scheme
master plan
public transport scheme
master plan

city planning morphology

City planning morphology

proposals for a new morphology of development of islands / the Gray Belt

master plan of Ekateringof

Proposals for a new morphology of development of islands / the Gray Belt
Master plan of Ekateringof
Proposals for a new morphology of development of islands / the Gray Belt


From the Outskirts to the Downtown. Greenhouse



From the Outskirts to the Downtown. Pergola
From the Outskirts to the Downtown. Stable
The park must break out of its isolation and seamlessly integrate into the new urban fabric. For this purpose, it is necessary to remove all perimeter fences and provide the whole territory of the park with free Internet via Wi-Fi. The park should receive a new navigation and lighting system.

Also, the streetcar stop and the main entrance from Livlanda Street should be relocated. In order to unite the two parts of the park, which are cut off from each other today, it is necessary to reconsider the attitude towards Livlyadskaya Street. It is proposed to close off through car traffic on weekends and organize temporary parking for park visitors.
Along the bank of the Tarakanоvka River, a walking zone with bicycle and pedestrian paths is to appear on the outer side. Also, bicycle routes and paths for horseback riding are planned throughout the park. Reconstruction of the boat station is planned. In the historical part, on one of the islands, a flower greenhouse is being created, and on the other - a temporary pavilion for changing expositions.

reconstruction concept for Ekaternhof Park

Reconstruction concept for Ekaternhof Park
Undoubtedly, the dominant site in the area under consideration is the Yekaterinhof Park. Today, this existing park needs to be reconstructed. It is proposed to create a memorial-historical zone near the Yekaterinhofka River, dedicated to the history of the Northern War. In the active zone of the park will be located leisure children's zones, as well as a new stable. The architectural objects here will be various pergola structures transformed depending on their functional content. It is also necessary to restore the bandstand building to its status and purpose.


From the Outskirts to the Downtown. Amphitheater


Obvodny Canal extension scheme

From the Outskirts to the Downtown. Square
RE: Shkola